Sunday, January 14, 2018

A Slow Ride Through the Complexities of Infidelity

Title: Adultery
Author: Paulo Coelho
Length: 272 pages
Year Written: 2014
Why I chose this book: I love Paulo Coelho and picked this book up at the airport on a trip.

I love Paulo Coelho. Who didn't love The Alchemist? He is a wizard with words and even more so with feelings. His personality permeates even through fiction. He is clearly a peaceful, happy man who understands what it's like to not be peaceful or happy. Not only do we battle a perceived emptiness of wealth and success (like Santiago in search of his treasure), we second guess ourselves in many ways when we consider how the realities of our happiness and fulfillment match up with expectations. There is often a circular yet treacherous journey associated with our search for these elusive goals in life. Money. Love. Satisfaction.

Adultery was not The Alchemist. It was modern, it was specific, and the protagonist was a woman. I hate to say that the representation of the female narrator was a bit unnatural coming from Coelho, but some of it may have to do with cultural and language translations. The main character in Adultery takes us through her daily life as a successful businesswoman with loving husband and two kids. Nothing is amiss until she has a run-in with an old boyfriend from high school. You can probably tell by the name of the book how the rest of the story goes.

This book is somewhat of a slow read, but has some great moments that make it worth it. As with anything you read by Coelho, you will definitely feel something along the way.

Rating: 8/10

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